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Sebastian Reed
Sebastian Reed

Brock Biology Of Microorganisms 11th Edition Pdf

Microbiology has experienced a transformation during the last 30 years that has altered microbiologists' view of microorganisms and how to study them. The history of Brock Biology of Microorganisms goes back more than 35 years. As a tribute to Thomas Brock, its original author, the book incorporated his name into the title after the 8th edition. Immediately following publication of the first edition of Biology of microorganisms, in 1970, Professor Ricardo Guerrero translated the book into Spanish (the first Spanish edition appeared in 1972, published by Ed. Omega, Barcelona). After the success of the first edition, the second one appeared in 1974 (and was followed also by the second translation of R. Guerrero [Omega, 1978]). The continuing success of this textbook is reflected in the new editions published every 3-5 years, in English and in Spanish [see the review on Brock Biología de los Microorganismos 10 edn. Int. Microbiol 7:77-78, published by Prentice-Hall, Madrid, in 2004]. Each edition has preserved the mission of the original volume: to review the principles of microbiology while informing readers of the latest discoveries in the microbial sciences.

brock biology of microorganisms 11th edition pdf


Technological advances and broad knowledge of the microbial world have brought about significant advances in microbiology, and in biology in general. Microbes are the ancestors of all the complex and varied biological forms that now exist on Earth. All eukaryotic cells emerged from and have retained intimate connections with microorganisms, upon which they remain highly dependent. In order to understand the evolution of species of organisms that exist today, at the tips of the branches of the tree of life, it is necessary to study how they are related to their ancestors and what those ancestors might have been like. Readers of Brock Biology of Microorganisms will become familiar with the world of microorganisms, what they are, and what they do. The book makes use of valuable pedagogical tools, such as a working glossary, sidebars (providing "fun reads" related to the chapter's central theme), a concept check, and study questions to reinforce the topics discussed in each chapter. The 11th edition introduces a new visual presentation. The tables and figures have been completely redesigned to make the information easier to understand, and they are better organized. An art photograph opens each chapter, and each chapter is color-coded at the upper right corner, which allows the reader to quickly refer to individual chapters. Several supplements (e.g. tutorials) include a link to a planned website [].

A complete updating of the classification system reflects the recent edition of Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology. In addition, Proteobacteria (a Bacteria phylum), which represents the majority of known gram-negative bacteria of medical, industrial, and agricultural significance, are discussed in the text in groups based on morphological or metabolic (ecological) criteria, e.g. nitrifying bacteria: Nitrosomonas (β-Proteobacteria) and Nitrobacter (α-Proteobacteria). This method of organization provides a better understanding of this phylum, but there is also a table that lists all of the major genera of Proteobacteria and their classification according to subdivision (α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε-Proteobacteria). One of the best examples of updating advances in microbiology is the introduction of a new phylum, Nanoarchaeota, in the Domain Archaea. Although much attention is devoted to prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea), eukaryotic microorganisms such as fungi, algae and protozoa receive more coverage than is usual in general microbiology textbooks.

Humans have an intimate relationship with microorganisms. On the one hand, a small notorious set of bacteria, fungi, parasites, protozoa, and viruses cause disease, as discussed in the two units of the book dedicated to medical microbiology. Unit IV, Immunology, pathogenicity, and host responses, describes microbial growth control, nonspecific resistance, and the immune response to microbes. Unit V, Microbial diseases, focuses on microbial infectious diseases, which are grouped within each chapter according to their mode of transmission. On the other hand, bacteria have an overwhelmingly beneficial impact on the environment and are providing new tools to solve problems that confront modern human societies-such as neutralizing toxic waste-products by the process of bioremediation. Unit VI, Microorganisms as tools for industry and research, describes applications of microbial activities to improving food and industrial production. 350c69d7ab


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